Professional Massage vs $25/hr massage

Because of the recession hitting the economy, people are looking into ways of trying to save a little here and there. This where Groupon, Livingsocial, Yelp deals, and so on have exploded and other businesses have definitely caught on. The only problem I have with this is that it is bringing the value of massage down. In San Diego, to be a massage therapist, you need to have the license, the insurance, the experience, and most importantly, the education. There are massage places that are popping up like it’s the new Starbucks. It’s like they are on every corner with a sign out the window that say $25/hr massage!

I decided to do some investigating… most of these places don’t have english speaking people working there, so if you tell them you just ran 20 miles that day, they wouldn’t know what to focus on. I once had a woman press directly on my spine, that is a big NO-NO in the massage world. After that I was completely tense!  I noticed that it is a routine that someone has taught them and it lasts about an hour.

Basically, “You pay for what you get”! If you have a carpel tunnel injury, tennis elbow, rotator cuff problems, or TMJ syndrome (common repetitive injuries), a licensed and experienced professional massage therapist will KNOW what to do.

So, if you are looking for a therapeutic beneficial massage, go to a professional!